How Call Sheets are Approved on Features and Television Shows

Call Sheet EssentialsOpen menu Insert Image What is a Call Sheet Insert Image Anatomy of a Call Sheet Insert Image Ultimate Guide to Call Sheets Insert Image How to Make a Call Sheet Insert Image Introducing SMS Call Sheets Call Sheet TipsOpen menu Insert Image How to Create a Better Call Sheet Insert Image Best… Continue reading How Call Sheets are Approved on Features and Television Shows

The Daily Production Report Explained (with FREE production report template)

Abbreviated DPR or just PR, the daily production report might be the most important documents a producer looks at every day. From video agencies to indie productions, having a up-to-date DPR is necessary for assessing progress, catching inefficiencies, and tracking each production daily expense. In our post, we cover the process with our free production report template… Continue reading The Daily Production Report Explained (with FREE production report template)

13 Steps Towards Green Film Production We Can All Take

Filmmaking by its very nature is very counteractive toward sustainability. Sets and props are temporarily built, special effects cause chaos, and don’t get us started on plastic water bottles. But green film production is not a myth. Being sustainable with your productions may seem like a daunting task, but with the right steps, it’s very… Continue reading 13 Steps Towards Green Film Production We Can All Take

Staggering Call Time Formulas for Your Next Call Sheet

Call Sheet EssentialsOpen menu Insert Image What is a Call Sheet Insert Image Anatomy of a Call Sheet Insert Image Ultimate Guide to Call Sheets Insert Image How to Make a Call Sheet Insert Image Introducing SMS Call Sheets Call Sheet TipsOpen menu Insert Image How to Create a Better Call Sheet Insert Image Best… Continue reading Staggering Call Time Formulas for Your Next Call Sheet

How Call Sheets are Approved on Short Form, Music Videos, and Commercials

Call Sheet EssentialsOpen menu Insert Image What is a Call Sheet Insert Image Anatomy of a Call Sheet Insert Image Ultimate Guide to Call Sheets Insert Image How to Make a Call Sheet Insert Image Introducing SMS Call Sheets Call Sheet TipsOpen menu Insert Image How to Create a Better Call Sheet Insert Image Best… Continue reading How Call Sheets are Approved on Short Form, Music Videos, and Commercials

What Does a Production Designer Do? A Crash Course with Examples

Art DepartmentOpen menu Insert Image Art Director Insert Image Production Designer Insert Image Prop Master Insert Image Storyboard Artist Insert Image Set Dresser Ultimate Guide to Film Crew Positions Making a visually stunning film is no easy feat. The goal of a production designer is to immerse you in the world they have created. That’s… Continue reading What Does a Production Designer Do? A Crash Course with Examples

11 Ways to Become a Better Producer or Director on Set

Production DepartmentOpen menu Insert Image Producer vs Director Insert Image What Does an Executive Producer Do Insert Image What Does a Producer Do Insert Image What Does a Co-Producer Do Insert Image What Does a TV Producer Do Insert Image What is An Associate Producer Insert Image What is a Line Producer Insert Image What… Continue reading 11 Ways to Become a Better Producer or Director on Set